What creates social harmony
no doubt
its us
when we create harmony or peace arround us
the social also becomes harmony
hence its caoled social harmony
Henry Hexmoor, in Computational Network Science, 2015
Social harmony (i.e., freedom from contention) is an important concept in social networks. Contention arises from implicit relationships. Simmel suggested that among three nodes A, B, and C, if AB and AC are strong ties, BC would eventually form a tie, which has been termed triadic closure (Simmel, 1950; Easley and Kleinberg, 2010). Heider formulated the ideas in his social balance theory (Heider, 1958). Let there be two kinds of dyadic links for like, denoted by +, and dislike, denoted by −. Even number of enemy links is a theory that summarizes balance theory in signed networks (van de Rijt, 2011). For example, with only three nodes A, B, and C, in the following four balanced structures (S1–S4), there are even number of negative links and the links are enduring, that is, there is no need for change:
S1—AB: +, AC: −, BC: −
S2—AB: −, AC: −, BC: +
S3—AB: −, AC: +, BC: −
S4—AB: +, AC: +, BC: +
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