English, asked by stardesigning30, 9 months ago

What did hitler thing about his countrymen and players


Answered by sanvi200628


is it thing r think



Hitler developed an exculpation and blame-shifting device that had helped him and suited Germans, too. Germans had moved from internaional superstardom to international pariah status.

Christians had gained status by finding a status in the late Roman Empire. Jesus Christ had been crucified by the Roman Pontius Pilatus. But instead of blaming the crucification on him as the judge an executionerand the Roman Empire, Christians blamed it on the assumed decision of Jews to have Christ executed. Christians catapulted themselves out of the Jewsih cultural continuum and gained political power. AntiJudaism played a role in crusades, pogroms, in plagues that could be explained by scapegoats. After 1492, Spanish Jews were exiled or forced to Roman Catholic conversion. The Inquisition, however, revealed the conversos or maranos as fakes that deserved the stake treatment.

AntiSemitism got a facelift with the Eugenics and Social Darwinist movement of the 19th century. The religious prejudice got a pseudoscientific boost. This was the European and EuroAmerican zeitgeist, though, partly, held in check by the universalism inscribed in loving-God Christianity and Enlightenment. Ideologically speaking the heritage of antiSemitism was NOT a German SONDERWEG (specific path) restricted to Germany.

Brainwashing was speficic to the media that had gone beyond the print media (Gutenberg) to the airwave and elctronic media (Edison, Marconi). Edward L Barnays (Sigmund Freud´s Americanized nephew) had supplied a psychology of the new media in his essay “Propaganda”. Freud´s superego-motivated subconscious could be supplied by the ubiquitous media.

And Hitler and Göbbels were media savvy, modern media buffs and Bernays and Gustave Le Bon disciples. They linked every single German to the Volksempfänger cheap radios and to the radio rituals of Hitler speeches. The Nazi poison was internationalized with William Joyce Lord Haw Haw who harangued the Anglo world with his barrage of propaganda. BBC also had counterpropaganda in German.

Motto: All of Germany listens to the Führer with the nation conception apparatus

The flipside was potential death sentences for those listening to “enemy broadcasts”

So there was brainwash (There is in-depth research by Bertolt Brecht and Victor Klemperer and many others). There was also the proliferation of ideologies German specific and world wide. This rough sketch is based on research that has remained peripheral because too many people believed that the regime changes of 1945 (and then 1990) had solved all problems. Sould, mind and behaviour-searching therfore was cut short. We, therefore, have to renew the counterbrainwash attempts.

Making the nation great (by walling yourself in, going it all alone, cleansing away foreign filth)

Führer we follow you unconditionally (even if we shrink to cheerful ants under threat of being squashed in the process - even if he is as much of an idiot as he looks he is ours and we are his)

Hitler just had the talent of speaking and realizing.

Let’s take a tour of history.

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