English, asked by mileejha1909, 3 months ago

What did Mr. and Mrs. Hall do when they found the stranger's room empty?​


Answered by prutu7394



He went inside; the room was empty. As he looked closely at the things around, he saw there was no one on the bed. To his surprise, the stranger's clothes and bandages lay scattered on the chair and the bed. ... Firstly the bed-clothes leapt up at them followed by stranger's hat dashing at Mrs.

Answered by lata40386


He went inside; the room was empty. As he looked closely at the things around, he saw there was no one on the bed. To his surprise, the stranger's clothes and bandages lay scattered on the chair and the bed.Firstly the bed-clothes leapt up at them followed by stranger's hat dashing at Mrs.Mr and Mrs. Hall were surprised to see the most extraordinary thing happen when they opened the door to the stranger's room. The bed-clothes gathered themselves together, leapt up suddenly into a sort of peak and then jumped headlong over the bottom rail.The door slammed violently and was locked from inside.They entered the room but there was nobody. Griffin's clothes and bandages were lying on the floor. Suddenly, the hat jumped and struck Mrs Hall's face. Then the chair jumped and charged at her.

While they were investigating the scene, Mr and Mrs Hall saw the clothes gather themselves. After that starts the furniture attack. A chair flies through the air and propels Mrs Hall out of the room. She leaves believing ghosts are responsible for this strange and scary incident.


hope it helps you!!

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