Social Sciences, asked by gauravsingh21062000, 1 year ago

What did the people of the Third Estate demand. How is this demand related to the present and social and political situation.​


Answered by Vedika3009


What Is the Third Estate? (French: Qu'est-ce que le Tiers-État?) is a political pamphlet written in January 1789, shortly before the outbreak of the French Revolution, by the French writer and clergyman Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès (1748–1836). The pamphlet was Sieyès' response to finance minister Jacques Necker's invitation for writers to state how they thought the Estates-General should be organized.

In the pamphlet, Sieyès argues that the third estate – the common people of France – constituted a complete nation within itself and had no need of the "dead weight" of the two other orders, the first and second estates of the clergy and aristocracy. Sieyès stated that the people wanted genuine representatives in the Estates-General, equal representation to the other two orders taken together, and votes taken by heads and not by orders. These ideas came to have an immense influence on the course of the French Revolution.

Answered by VirajPachpute5100


The demand of third estate was that every one in in the three estate have right to vote.This demand was related with present social and political situation by the following ways :-

  1. The france was already in a billion liver debt and all the debt have to be paid
  2. moreover france was lending money to the thirteen american colonies. to fight war of independence against british rule.
  3. In order to clear the debt the king to increase the tax.

4.For that he called the meeting of estate general the system of voting was 1 vote per estate.but the third estate refused the system voting and demanded one vote per person.because if the system of one vote per estate the there was confirm 1-2 and the tax on third estate would incerase.But unfortunately this happened and this situation also led to subsistence crisis.


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