what difference if any is there between junior high school and senior high school learner in their fondness of online gaming?data collection procedure& data collection instrument
According to Denbert 2016, video game addiction is described as animpulse control disorder, which similar to pathological gambling. Video gameaddiction has also been referred to us video game overuse, pathological orcompulsive excessive use of computer or video game.Now a day more and more people are starting to use the internet atthe same time online game have become more extremely popular amongthe young of our generation thus leading to the proliferation of online gameaddiction on global plot form (lova state university 2011) according to thenew research, online game has become the most addictive internet activitiestoday. (Wan and chiu 2016). Base on establishes researchers, the thesis isinterested in discover the reason behind why young people started onlinegames as well how playing such game effects daily life and activity of them.Computer games have a popular leisure activity among children andadolescent in recent year. In fact, based on popularity alone online gamegames a large share on favorite vote among young people than physicalactivity such as ice hocking, and football combined. There are many benefitsof the internet as it not only act as an entertainment tool, but also animportant professional resource for work and communication as well.