what different colours mean to you ..write an essay
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At the heart of every prism lies a spectrum, a sort of mini rainbow.Passing through the prism, the sun rays reveal the order of the seven original colors that together, make up white light. Color is a great design element. Color is the effect on something’s appearance of the way it reflects light. It can also be called as a byproduct of spectrum and of course it’s a great design element.
Color is a function where light and biology comes into play. Light rays reflected from any object we look at enter the eye and are focused by the eye’s optical structures: cornea, iris, pupil, and lens. The final destination of the light rays is the retina. The retina is made up of two types of cells: cones and rods. Cones are nerve cells that are sensitive to light, detail, and color.
Cones also produce the sensation we call color. Cones contain three different pigments, which respond either to blue, red, or green wavelengths of light. Cones mix the color signals to produce the variety of colors we see
Colors is divided into three parts
Primary Colors
Secondary Colors Tertiary colors
The three main colors of color wheel are primary colors.
The primary colors are RED, BLUE and YELLOW. These colors are the origin colors from which other color are built.
The three colors VIOLET, ORANGE and GREEN are the secondary colors which are obtained by mixing primary colors.
The six colors which are created by mixing primary and secondary are called tertiary colors.
The colors are
Red is color which is vibrant and full of energy hot. It’s a strong color that conjures up a range of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and warfare. Red is Cupid and the Devil.
Nature of Red:
A stimulant, red is the hottest of the WARM COLORS. Studies show that red can have a physical effect, increasing the rate of respiration and raising blood pressure.
The expression seeing red indicates anger and may stem not only from the stimulus of the color but from the natural flush (redness) of the cheeks, a physical reaction to anger, increased blood pressure, or physical exertion.
Culture of Red:
Red is power, hence the red power tie for business people and the red carpet for celebrities and VIPs (very important people)
Flashing red lights denote danger or emergency. Stop signs and stop lights are red to get the drivers’ attention and alert them to the dangers of the intersection.
In some cultures, red denotes purity, joy, and celebration. Red is the color of happiness and prosperity in China and may be used to attract good luck.
Use the color red to grab attention and to get people to take action. Use red when you don’t want to sink into the background. Use red to suggest speed combined with confidence and perhaps even a dash of danger. A little bit of red goes a long way. Small doses can often be more effective than large amounts of this strong color. Multiple shades of red and even pink or orange can combine for a cheerful palette.
Good red
Red letter day – important or significant occasion
Red carpet treatment – make someone feel special, treat them as if they are a celebrity
Roll out the red carpet – same as above
Red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning; red sky at night, sailor’s delight – pay attention to good and bad warning signs
Paint the town red – celebrate, go out partying
Red eye – an overnight flight
Bad red
Seeing red – to be angry
Red herring – something that deceives or distracts attention from the truth
Yellow is color which shows sunshine. It is a warm color that, like red, has conflicting symbolism. On the one hand it denotes happiness and joy but on the other hand yellow is the color of cowardice and deceit. Yellow is one of the warm colors. Because of the high visibility of bright yellow, it is often used for hazard signs and some emergency vehicles. Yellow is a color which can make people cheerful. Yellow is a cheerful color. Yellow is used for hazard signs creates an association between yellow and danger, although not quite as dangerous as red. Yellow is a primary color so it can match with any color and it often works with other companion colors.
Yellow is a funny color. This color has no logic in it, its emotional,pure,happy,harmless,etc….
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