what difficulties have to be faced by the nomidic tribe people?
the difficulties faced by the Nomadic tribe people are food, bathing, water, education, and darkness.
The nomadic tribe people face hardships in life due to social discrimination and alienation.
They are deprived of the basic socio-economic benefits such as housing, health, sanitation, education and many more.
Also, the loss of their control over the natural resources has led to a difficulty in earning a livelihood. This is due to industrialisation.
They also complain of being deprived from Aadhar card, ration card, voter id card and caste certificate.
Lack of opportunity for higher education and its application m promoting the quality of life particularly from the point of view of economy, non-effective administration and organizational failure, non-cognizance of significance of ecological and socio-cultural specificities, etc.,were some of the problems faced by them