What do nephrons in the kidneys do?
Nephron :
A nephron is also called as the uriniferous tubules and is a functional unit of kidney.
Each one works as an independent unit and produces a minuscule amount of urine.
The urine controlled by various ducts form all the nephrons and id finally poured into renal pelvis.
Each nephron consists of five anatomical regions:
1) Renal corpuscles or malpighian body.
- Bowman's capsule
- Glomerulus
2) Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)
3) Loop of Henle.
- Descending limb of loop of Henle.
- Ascending limb of Loop of Henle.
4) Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)
5) Collecting tubule.
hope it helps :)
Nephron is a filtering unit of kidney...
For 1 marks write this for detail:
It is of two types 1. juxta medullary
Now explain both this
Juxtamedullary is a nephrin in which loop of henle is longer used in counter current mechanism...it is very less.
Cortical nephron is a nephron used normally to filter the blood.it is more in number