English, asked by priyankastv1979, 6 months ago

what do u mean by fortune?​


Answered by Anonymous


1 : a large sum of money. 2 : what happens to a person : good or bad luck. 3 : what is to happen to someone in the future I had my fortune told. 4 : wealth sense 1 They are a family of great fortune.

Answered by sharmapahal318


a very large amount of money

बहुत बड़ी धनराशि; विशाल संपत्ति, भरपूर पैसा

I always spend a fortune on presents at Christmas.I always spend a fortune on presents at Christmas.


chance or the power that affects what happens in a person’s life; luck

संयोग या शक्ति जो किसी व्‍यक्ति के जीवन की घटनाओं को प्रभावित करे; भाग्‍य, क़िस्‍मत

Fortune was not on our side that day [we were unlucky].


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