what do we mean when we speak of law enforcement? who is responsible for enforcement ? why is enforcement so important?
When we speak of law enforcement, it means that it is very important to put laws into practice.
The executive is responsible for the enforcement of the laws. The executive sees that all people follow the laws properly and the person who violates the laws is punished.
The enforcement of laws is so important because the law provides that the nationals should do their work in an impartial manner and all citizens get their rights. If the law is not implemented effectively then its effect ends.
For example, there is no benefit of the Minimum Wage Act unless the Government sees that the workers are getting a salary as per that law or if any person violates this reason then punish him.
Hope this answer will help you….
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Ans :
Law enforcement is referred to as a subsystem of society that promotes adherence to the law by discovering and punishing persons who violate the rules and norms governing that society.
It is the responsibility of the government to ascertain that laws are not violated by anyone.
Enforcement so important :
To maintain the democratic status of India; if foreign companies put up low unsafe working conditions, then this interferes with the Fundamental Right of the Right to Life, of a worker.
With more industries being set up both by local and foreign businesses in India, there is a greater need for stronger laws protecting workers’ rights and producers and consumers.
Enforcement is also important because it makes people comply with safety norms thereby not risking the life of the workers.
For example: The Bhopal gas tragedy had taken place only because the safety laws were lax in the country and even these weak safety law were not enforced.