what do you learn from the principle followed in Belgium and srilanka, what was the theme or differences?
The principles that we learn from this are
1.Power sharing not only prevents conflict between various groups in society but it also inculates a sense of worth in the citizens.
2.The people will be more satisfied with the govt if they have a say in the decision making process.
Principles of government that are followed in Belgium and Sri Lanka are:-
Accommodation in Belgium :-
The Belgium leaders took a different part of recognising the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities of the country.
Some arrangements made by Belgium leaders are:-
1. The Constitution prescribes that the number of Dutch and French-speaking minister will be equal in the union government.
2. The state government will be in lower to the central government.
3. The capital city Brussels has a separate government in which both the Dutch and French people have a equal representation.
4. A third type of government i.e Community government was made.
Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka:-
Majoritarianism refers to the belief that the majority community should be able to rule the country by disregarding the needs of the minority.
1. Sinhala community dominance over the government because of their majority.
2. Government followed preference politics by giving more opportunity to Sinhala peoples for university positions and government jobs.
3. This leads to the civil war in the country.