Psychology, asked by AnandaKrishnan8504, 11 months ago

What do you mean by expected change in behaviour in the lesson plan?


Answered by Darkblaze123


Behavioral objectives that are useful in the classroom must meet certain criteria.  The four essential elements of a well-written behavioral objective are outlined below.  When writing a behavioral objective, evaluate it using these criteria.


1.   Good behavioral objectives are student-oriented.  A behavioral objective, which is student-oriented, places the emphasis upon what the student is expected to do, not upon what the teacher will do.

       Sometimes teachers use instructional goals which emphasize what they are expected to do rather than what they expect of their students.  Such teacher-oriented objectives only have the value to the extent that they direct the teacher to do something, which ultimately leads to student learning.  A teacher attempting to help his or her students attain the goal of solving long division problems may work out some of the problems on the blackboard, explaining each of the steps involved.  A teacher-oriented objective associated with this behavior might read something like:  "To explain the steps of long division on the blackboard."  Notice that this might be a helpful teacher activity, but it is only one of many possible activities that could help the students reach the goal of solving long division.


2.   Good behavioral objectives describe learning outcomes.  The important thing to keep in mind here is that we are interested in what the students will learn to do.  In other words, it is the learning outcome that is important, not the learning activities that should lead to that outcome.  To say that students will practice long division problems, using two different methods, is not to specify a learning outcome; it describes a process.  It specifies an activity designed to help the students reach some outcome.  As such, it is a student-oriented activity, not an outcome. Your objective should reflect outcome language, rather than process phrases.


        It may be helpful to you as a teacher to determine what kind of learning activities you may want your students to carry out.  However, determining which learning experiences and activities are most appropriate for your students can only be made afteryou have decided what it is you want your students to accomplish.  Once learning outcomes are identified and described, then activities that are appropriate for attaining those outcomes can be determined.


3.    Good behavioral objectives are clear and understandable.  The first prerequisite for a clear and understandable objective is explicitness.  It should contain a clearly stated verb that describes a definite action or behavior and, in most cases, should refer to an object of that action.  People observing the products of those behaviors should agree in their judgment about whether the behavior had occurred as stated.


4.    Good behavioral objectives are observable.  The evaluation of learning outcomes hinges on the ability to observe those outcomes.  The key to an observable objective is an observable verb.  Consequently, when selecting behavioral objectives for use in your teaching, watch the verbs! The verb must describe an observable action or an action that results in an observable products. 



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