What do you mean by following terms: (a)Paurometabolous (b)Ametabolous (c)Hemimetabolous (d)Hypermetabolous. Explain each of them.
In this form of development, immature stages resemble small adults and typically have external wing buds. They live in the same habitat as adults, typically taking the same .
Development in which there is no metamorphosis and immature stages appear very similar to the adults, except that they lack genitalia. It occurs, for example, in silverfish.
Hemimetabolous :
The development having no pupal stage in the transition from larva to adult.
Hypermetabolism is the physiological state of increased rate of metabolic activity and is characterized by an abnormal increase in the body's basal metabolic rate.
The Metamorphosis is further divided in to Paurometabolous, Ametabolous Hemimetabolous ,Hypermetabolous
Metamorphosis is defined rapid changes causing the immature young one to develop in to matured adult involving morphology, function and habit change.
The Metamorphosis is divided in to different phase.
(a) Paurometabolous :
The Gradual metamorphosis or Paurometabolous development : The newly young one will move out of egg closely.
(b) Ametabolous :
Ametabolous development or Ametamorphic: Little or no metamorphosis phase.
(c) Hemimetabolous :
Incomplete metamorphosis or Hemimetabolous development : The gradual morphology development.
Complete metamorphosis or Holometabolous development : The rapid morphological change occurs
(d) Hypermetabolous :
Hypermetamorphosis or Hypermetabolous development: Develops in to different habit and structure.
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Which hormone control metamorphosis? also give its another function