What do you mean by Resources? Why there is a need for resource planning
"All the things on the earth surface which are necessary for our existence is called as resource."
Resource Planning :-
Resource planning is the judicious use of resources. Resource planning becomes more important in a country like India, where resources are not distributed properly. For example; many states are rich in mineral and deficient in other resources, such as Jharkhand is rich in minerals, but there is problem of drinking water and other facilities.
Resource planning is very essential as:-
◆Resource planning is based on management of resources and to sustain them.
◆Resource planning is essential as resources are being limited and are being limited and are unevenly distributed over the country and world. Planning will help to reduce the wastage as well as will help in taking care of the requirements of the future generations.
All substances became resources only when human beings put them to use and add some value to them.
Since resources are getting extinct day by day