What do you mean by weeding? Why the process of weeding necessary? Name the methods applied for weeding.
Weeding is the process to remove out the weeds. Weeds are unwantedvplants which grown along the useful crops. Weeding is required because weeds are competitive plants as they reduce the useful crop yield by acquiring space, fertilizers and nutrients from the soil.
methods include pulling, digging, disking, plowing and mowing. Success of various mechanical control methods is dependent on the life cycle of the target weed species. Hand pulling and digging are effective on annual and biennial species such as kochia, musk thistle and diffuse knapweed.
The process of removal of weeds from the agricultural field is known as weeding. Weeding is important to protect the crops from weeds and insects. Different methods are used for weeding. Tilling the soil before sowing seeds helps in uprooting weeds and preventing their growth. Physical removal of weeds is done by using a khurpi, trowel, harrow or a seed drill. Weedicides are the chemicals used to destroy weeds. Weedicides kill the weeds and do not harm the crops.