What do you say to apple in french
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dam's apple
n pomme f d'Adam
apple core
n trognon m de pomme
apple pie
n tarte f aux pommes
to be as American as apple pie être typiquement américain(e)
→ Jeans are as American as apple pie.
to be in apple-pie order être parfaitement en ordre
→ They found everything in apple-pie order.
apple sauce , applesauce
n compote f de pommes
apple tart
n tarte f aux pommes
apple turnover
n chausson m aux pommes
bad apple
n (=person) brebis f galeuse
→ It is hoped the inquiry will pick out the bad apples in the police force
→ when you've got a bad apple in the barrel, you've got to throw it out
→ They made it clear that they are not going to tolerate a bad apple in the United States Senate
Big Apple
n pomme f d'Adam
apple core
n trognon m de pomme
apple pie
n tarte f aux pommes
to be as American as apple pie être typiquement américain(e)
→ Jeans are as American as apple pie.
to be in apple-pie order être parfaitement en ordre
→ They found everything in apple-pie order.
apple sauce , applesauce
n compote f de pommes
apple tart
n tarte f aux pommes
apple turnover
n chausson m aux pommes
bad apple
n (=person) brebis f galeuse
→ It is hoped the inquiry will pick out the bad apples in the police force
→ when you've got a bad apple in the barrel, you've got to throw it out
→ They made it clear that they are not going to tolerate a bad apple in the United States Senate
Big Apple
Answered by
apple say in French is Pomme
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