English, asked by sunitaagurungg95, 6 hours ago

what do you suggest other to meet the aim of life​


Answered by savitasharwan


Have you ever asked yourself why you get out of bed in the morning? How about what people will say about you at your funeral? A primary aim in life gives you a reason and answer to these questions If you've never thought about this or written down, I'll give you some reasons why you should.

Reason one. I recently sprung this question on my wife while getting ready for bed. Her response was something like a dear in the headlights. Eventually, her answers trickled out; then she turned the question back on me. I replied confidently with clarity and purpose, a great feeling. She smiled adoringly and said, “that’s why I’m glad I married you.”

Reason two. What I didn’t tell her was that I spent a week thinking about this exact question. The end result was the following list, giving me a road map to the best version of me I can be. It’s been edited, re-edited, and even posted on the wall above my desk as a constant reminder.

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