What do you think about Google??
Google Home… it is new. The idea of what happens in people’s homes being transmitted to a private company, whatever the reason may be and whatever the - changeable and overridable- terms may say, does come very awkward. “Google” + “Home” just don’t seem to fit very well together. If anything, stopping the boundaries, such as those of “home”, is what Google has done sofar. You don’t really need a home as long as you have Google, right? You can travel, have maps, email… home is everywhere. You see that widely speaking, the idea of making products for a “home” just doesn’t really match Google. And it seems people have picked up on that.
Google is one of only three or four companies that have figured out how to make piles of cash from the Internet. And the company is unapologetic about its dot com corporate culture. ... Internet users now conduct more than 200 million searches per day on Google.