What do you understand by a weed name one weedicidide?
Weeds are unwanted plants in cultivated fields. In comparison of cultivated crops,the seeds of Weeds germinate easily and their seeds grow faster. They are compete with crops for sunlight, nutrient, water, etc. Weeds take all up the nutrients and reduce the growth of crop in various ways. Whereas weedicides are chemicals which are sprayed over field to get rid of Weeds. They will not show any effect on weed plants. Therefore removal of weed from cultivated fields in early stage of crops is essential for good harvest. Two popular used weedicides are 2,4-D Ethyl ester and neem extract.
Billow tree
1:A wild plant that is not wanted in a garden because it prevents other plants for growing properly
2:A mass of very small green plants that floats on the surface of an area of water.