What do you understand by
Guide keys ? Name the Guide
keys of a
a) Computer keyboard.
b) typewriter
A guide key is a button on the keyboards or any electric appliances that have a button used to guide in a particular function such as in computer keyboard guide keycaps lock is used for making capital letters.
(a)Computer keyboard-
• Arrow key- This arrow key comes with up, down, left and right and used to move the cursor.
• Backspace- It is used to remove letters backward in a document.
• Character set- A complete set of letters and numbers used in typing text.
• Ctrl Key- It is used with the combination of other keys for a particular function.
• Delete Key- it is used to delete or remove texts.
• Enter key- It is used to start a new activity or to start a new line while typing.
(b) Typewriter-
• Carriage- It is a moving part on top of a typewriter that holds the paper.
• Carriage return- It is used for returning carriages to the right side for starting a newline.
• Left carriage release- It is used to free the carriages and can be a move by hand.
• Backspace carriage- It is used to move carriages backward.