what do you understand by novels?write the major trends in the 18th century novel
A book that tells a story about people and events that are not real is known as novel.
Novel: Novel has its origin in 18th century after a Italian word “novella”, which is used for stories during medieval period. Over the course of time novels has evolved and now any piece of work of prose fiction that has more that 50,000 words is considered as novel. Novels place more significance to the development of characters rather than plot development which is more prominent in dramas. Also, novels can be written in any genera but they mainly focus on the study of human psyche.
Major trends in the 18th century novels were:
- realism
- reason
- intellect
- correctness
- satirical spirit
Novels were the product of rise of middle class in the Europe and thus, this new literature lacked romantic elements such as imagination, passion, enthusiasm etc., which were the characteristics of upper class literature.