English, asked by kumbharjagannath859, 1 year ago

what do you understand by the term 'no man' s land ?
Ncert class 8 chapter 1 of honeydew​


Answered by opa121


no lands means the land where no one can go

Answered by krishna210398


No man's land is waste or unowned land or an uninhabited or desolate area that may be under dispute between parties who leave it unoccupied out of fear or uncertainty. The term was originally used to define a contested territory or a dumping ground for refuse between fiefdoms. In modern times, it is commonly associated with World War I to describe the area of land between two enemy trench systems, not controlled by either side. The term is also used metaphorically, to refer to an ambiguous, anomalous, or indefinite area, in regards to an application, situation, or jurisdiction. It has sometimes been used to name a specific place.


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