What do you understand by Work, Power & Energy
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Work, energy and power are the most used terms in Physics. They are probably the first thing you learn in your Physics class. ... Work done is generally referred in relation to the force applied while energy is used in reference to other factors such as heat. Power is defined as work done per unit time.
In physics, the term work has a very specific definition. Work is application of force, f, to move an object over a distance, d, in the direction that the force is applied. Work, W, is described by the equation
Some things that we typically consider to be work are not work in the scientific sense of the term. Let’s consider a few examples. Think about why each of the following statements is true.
Homework is not work.
Lifting a rock upwards off the ground is work.
Carrying a rock in a straight path across the lawn at a constant speed is not work.
The first two examples are fairly simple. Homework is not work because objects are not being moved over a distance. Lifting a rock up off the ground is work because the rock is moving in the direction that force is applied. The last example is less obvious. Recall from the laws of motion that force is not required to move an object at constant velocity. Therefore, while some force may be applied to keep the rock up off the ground, no net force is applied to keep the rock moving forward at constant velocity.