what does a blindfolded woman carrying a pair of weighing scales symbolise
It symbolizes impartiality. It shows justice and equality among all, regardless of different backgrounds, classes, ethinicity etc.
Lady Justice holds balance scales, which represent the weighing of evidence;weighs the factors of a case to render a verdict. The scales imply a mechanistic, rational process; too much weight (evidence) on one side will cause the scales to tilt in favor of innocence or guilt.
Not all depictions of Lady Justice feature the blindfold, however. The origin of the blindfold is unclear, but there is some evidence that early artists added the blindfold to indicate the courts' tolerance of, or ignorance to, abuse of the law. But today,the blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be delivered objectively, without fear,passion or prejudice, regardless of money, wealth, power, or identity; blind justice and impartiality.
Also,she carries a sword in the other hand implying punishment,authority and how back in the old days justice was meted out with a stroke of a sword. It was swift and final.
The scales are held higher than the sword to show how evidence comes before punishment.