What does internal logic' mean in research process?
An internal logic is a type theory derived from a category and the internal language is the language part of that logic. Specifically, the atomic sorts of the internal language are the objects of the category.
The scope of business research is limited by one’s definition of
“business”. Certainly research in the production, finance, marketing, or
management areas of a for-profit corporation is within the scope of
business research. A broader definition of business, however, includes
not-for-profit organizations, such as the American Heart Association, the
Sac Diego Zoo, and the Boston Pops Orchestra, Each of these
organizations exists to satisfy social needs, and they require business
skills to produce and distribute the services that people want. Business
research may be conducted by organizations that are not business
organizations. The reserve bank of India, for example, performs many
functions that are similar, if not identical, to those of business
organizations. Reserve bank economists may use research techniques for
evaluative purposes much the same way as managers at Reliance or
Ford. The term business research is utilized because all its techniques
are applicable to business settings.