What does log2 represent without a base? How is calculation done with such two expressions?
How do we formulate two expressions of log with same base but different coefficients? Like 2log 10(base) 25/7 + log 10(base) 16.
Please say because its urgent. Proper answer will be marked brainliest.
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without base the base means ' e ' it is an irrational number which is thought to be between 2 and 3.
2log 10 25/7 = log 10 625/49
log 10 625/49 + log 10 16 = log 10 (625*16)/49
2log 10 25/7 = log 10 625/49
log 10 625/49 + log 10 16 = log 10 (625*16)/49
ok ishana, i have a good solution for your problem with logarithm. just search on youtube about it and you'll get amazing worthy videos.
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when there's no base, that can mean two things.
1. the base is 10 (for algebra)
2. the base is e (for calculus)
well e is a constant just like π
now the next question's answer is in the picture.
1. the base is 10 (for algebra)
2. the base is e (for calculus)
well e is a constant just like π
now the next question's answer is in the picture.
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