what does PCRA stands for???
Petroleum Conservation Research Association
Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) is a registered society set up under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India. As a non-profit organization, PCRA is a national government agency engaged in promoting energy efficiency in various sectors of economy.
Petroleum Conservation Research Association
We must follow the rules of PCRA in order to conserve natural gas . It is an important resource that is found above petroleum .It is odorless , colorless and inflammable .
Thoughit produces less pollution it doesn't mean that we can use it exhaustively . It is easier to transport and is filled in cylinders as CNG which is compressed natural gas .
It has many uses like :
- electricity generation
- for heating and cooking
- industrial uses .
It has some effects on environment such as :
- increase in carbon monoxide
- increase in greenhouse gases
- increased pollution
- increase in acid rain .
And it is a non renewable resource which means that once its exhausted we cannot bring it back or produce it in the same way .
Hence it is necessary to conserve it and use it judicially .
Following PCRA is necessary .