What does phylum chordata includes in short
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Phylum chordata includes animals which possess a notochord either throughout or during early embryonic life. Other common features observed in the chordates are the dorsal, hollow nerve cord, paired pharyngeal gill slits and post anal tail.
#Be Brainly❤️
Phylum chordata includes animals which possess a notochord either throughout or during early embryonic life. Other common features observed in the chordates are the dorsal, hollow nerve cord, paired pharyngeal gill slits and post anal tail.
#Be Brainly❤️
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Chordates are characterized by the following three features:
( a) a dorsal, hollow , tubular nerve cord.
(b) a piable Rod called notochord that occurs ventral to nerve cord and is replaced by a pronoun or calculate to form a vertebral column in vertebrates.
(c) paired Gill slipped in the pharynx.
the grey characters are always present at some stage in development or throughout a lifetime.
chordata is not advance to group of animals. Phylum chordata is divided into 2 group protochordata and vertebrata.
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