what does the child appeal to the parent
It is a dream of each and every parent to see his child at the zenith whether in educational or in professional life. All of us are well acquainted that increasing population has resulted struggle for existence in every sphere of life which ultimately leads to survival of the fittest. It is an era of bio technical knowledge throughout the entire globe. The child has to face this haphazard of life in his near future. The way in which he copes up with such situation will be based on his present schooling.
Basic schooling starts from home where a major part of a child’s time is spent with mother, considered to be first and best teacher. During this time the child is like a seed which needs fertile soil, water, air and sunlight. The fertile soil is the home, which is first and foremost vital factor which determines his future so it becomes more important for the parents to take every care of the tender seed which is to grow in a tree. The discipline which is maintained in home leaves indelible imprints on his tender mind and consolidated future.
The air is the environment around him which is to a greater extent managed by family and partially by school.
The water is the friend circle of the child which is the joint venture of both school and family.
Sunlight is the school which gives proper direction to child’s mental growth and development and makes him aware regarding his future which is based in his present schooling and workmanship.