what does the speaker mean by common destiny?how can there be a common destiny of the tribal people and the white people
Chief Seattle, here, wants to make a point that his people have been reduced to numbers. The white men, who are flourishing right now, will suffer the same fate as theirs. The world is constantly changing, and everyone who is born here, has to perish. Although the two cultures have different destinies altogether, in terms of death, both will share the same destiny sometime or the other.
“The common destiny” as Chief Seattle calls it in his speech is the way everything is decayed with time. It is the order of nature that every thing we see decline sooner or later. As the Red tribal people of America have been reduced to their meager existence, the White people will see the same fate, whatever distant it may be. Though God has favored the white people more than the tribal people, they cannot be exempt from the common destiny of extinction.
By the mid 1880's, most of the United States was conquered by the white settlers and the native American populations were extremely side lined with thousands killed and millions of acres of land being lost.
In his memorable speech, Chief Seattle, of the Seattle tribe asked his tribe members to not fight the White settlers and tried to show them how they all shared a 'common destiny' in a bid to protect his tribe and safeguard for themselves some hard earned peace.