What force is responsible for your socks sticking together after they have been in a clothes dryer?
What force is responsible for your socks sticking together after they have been in the clothes dryer? Strong force acts on protons neutrons weak force acts on all particles. What particles do the strong and weak nuclear forces act on? Gravity is the force responsible for the orbits of the planet in the solar system.
The force is electrostatic attraction.
Anyway, when you tumble clothes in a dryer to dry them, they tend to build up a static charge. I presume electrons are passed between your items, leaving a slight electropositive charge on pieces of clothing, which will clump together with a piece of clothing that has a slight negative charge.
Laundry sheets, which may have an added fragrance, are readily available, and they tend to eliminate these charges, so that the dried clothes do not clump together.