Biology, asked by mmorris8357, 1 year ago

What happen if butterflies and honeybees reduced?


Answered by sheil2

without them people will not enjoy coffee and other foods that have become vital in our daily existence.Nearly 75 Percent of the food crops depend upon on pollination therefore their health and existence really matters
Answered by sandy333
Both Honey Bees and butterflies pollinate plants.

Currently there are 20,000 types of “Bees” on the planet of which Honey Bees only make up a small number in that list.

Pollination can be done also by wind, rain, bats, wasps, hornets, native solitary bees, other flying insects like flies, ants and other crawling bugs.

Both tha the Honey Bees and butterflies offer beauty as well as food for others on the food chain, so that loss would have to be made up by other small bugs.

The largest loss to the human population is the loss of pollination with huge mono crops.

Fortunately the blue orchard, leaf cutter, mason Bees would rise to a greater importance than they are now.

Actually the Blue Orchard Bee is a better pollinator than the Honey Bee but can’t complete with the mass numbers a Honey Bee colony can generate.

Bumble bees too could be used more and can tolerate colder temperatures as well as can fly in the rain.

Bumble bees are highly successful in green house settings.

We ultimately would find a way and would move on.

Perhaps other strains of Bees like the Bee of the Amazon that is not a Honey Bee but produced enough Honey yearly for Honey to be included as a payment for taxes in the Aztec and Mayan civilizations.
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