Biology, asked by mdarman1374, 11 months ago

What happen when the cell is kept in hypotonic ,hypertonic and isotonic solution?


Answered by barish95644
in plant cells or animal cells
if you wants to know in plant cell the answer is -

Hypotonic-> The solution has lower concentration of solute compared to the cell. It will be turgid since water will be going into the cell. Plant cells love hypotonic environments.

Isotonic -> The concentration of solute inside and outside the cell is the same (no net movement of water). The plant cell will be flaccid.

Hypertonic -> The solution has a higher concentration of solute compared to inside of the cell. So, water will move out of the cell and the plant cell will plasmolyze (the plasma membrane will separate from the cell wall).

and if you want to know in animal cells , the answer is

Hypotonic-> The cell will burst since water is entering the cell.

Isotonic -> This is the preferred environment of animal cells.

Hypertonic -> It will lyse (shrink) in size because water is leaving the cell.
Answered by Sanskriti141
Hii there!!!

>> When the cell is kept in hypotenic solution, the medium surrounding the cell has a higher water concentration than the cell. Therefore, water will come into the cell than will leave. And the cell is likely to swell.

>> When the cell is kept in isotonic solution, the medium has exaxtly the same water concentration as the cell. There will be no net movement of water accross the cell membrane. Therefore, the cell will stay the same size.

>> When the cell is kept in hypertonic solution, the medium surrounding the cell has lesser concentration of water. Therefore, water will move out of the cell. And the cell will shrink.

Hope it helps.....

vishalsainidhalu: hiii
Sanskriti141: hii
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Sanskriti141: U.P.
vishalsainidhalu: ok
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Sanskriti141: yup
vishalsainidhalu: ki
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