English, asked by arieyvindarson, 2 months ago

What happened in chapter 7 to 9 in david


Answered by khaninayath302



In Chapter 7, David Copperfield's admiration for James Steerforth grows into a kind of hero-worship. He's very impressed by Steerforth's good looks, seeming to equate good looks with good character. However, several hints in this chapter suggest that Steerforth's character is somewhat lacking. He doesn't step up and confess it was he, not Tommy Traddles, who laughed in church, so Traddles suffers the punishment that is rightly his. Steerforth promised to protect David, but he doesn't protect him from being beaten by Creakle. Also, Steerforth's comment that he wouldn't stand for being beaten and David should have more pluck seems like criticism, but David chooses to take it as encouragement. Steerforth's hounding of Mr. Mell reveals a streak of meanness in his character, and only Traddles points this out. Steerforth clearly enjoys using his charm and position to wield power over others.

In Victorian England, social status was extremely important, and for those who were class conscious, it was considered shameful to be poor. It was believed people who were poor had weak characters or were lazy, drunken, or irresponsible. Only very poor people lived in almshouses, supported by charity, like Mr. Mell's mother. It seems unfair for Mr. Mell to lose his job because his mother is poor, but this information, which David revealed to Steerforth, seems to be the excuse Creakle uses for firing Mr. Mell.

In Chapter 8 when David Copperfield arrives at Blunderstone for the holidays, the Murdstones are away from home, so David receives the unexpected gift of "one happy afternoon" with just his mother and Peggotty. Those brief, joyful hours contrast sharply with the cold, repressed atmosphere pervading the house as soon as the Murdstones return. David realizes how much the Murdstones have come between him and his mother, and becomes sadly resigned to the loss of their close relationship. The last scene in the chapter, as Clara stands at the garden gate, foreshadows the final loss to come.

In Chapter 9, Charles Dickens's description of David's feelings and behavior after learning of his mother's death perfectly captures a child's feeling of dramatic importance in the midst of the first experience of real grief. At the same time David is trying to grasp the fact he is now an orphan, he is thinking about the dignity these new feelings of melancholy lend to his demeanor..

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