What happens if pH value is too low or too high?
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n chemistry , the pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline something is. Generally speaking, the pH value of water does not directly affect human health , although it can have an indirect effect by corroding plumbing, which leaches metals into the water . Only when water is contaminated with another substance can the pH reach an especially high or low level , but even then , the pH value alone doesn' t determine whether water is safe to drink .
Theinitials"pH" standfor"potentialof hydrogen"; theH is capitalizedbecauseit's thechemicalsymbolfor hydrogen. In scientificterms, thepHscalemeasuresthe relativeconcentrationsof hydrogenionsandhydroxyl ionsin a substance. Whenhydrogenionsoutnumber hydroxylions, thesubstanceis acidic; whenhydroxyl ionshavetheedge, thesubstanceis alkaline.
ThepHscalerunsfrom0 to 14. A pHof 7 is "neutral," meaningthetwotypesof ionsarein balance, sothe substanceis neitheracidicnoralkaline. Valuesbelow7 areacidic, with0 beingthemostacidic. Valuesabove7 arealkaline, with14beingthemostalkaline. Battery acidhasa pHof about0. Liquiddraincleanerhasa pH of about14. Distilled, filteredwaterhasa pHof about7. Eachunitwithinthescalerepresentsa tenfoldincrease in acidityor alkalinity.
Waterfoundin naturewillgenerallyhavea pHbetween 6.5 and8.5, dependingon geologicalandatmospheric conditions. Accordingto theUniversityof MassachusettsandtheWaterSystemsCouncil, thepH of drinkingwaterisnota healthissue. Water's pHvalue cangetneitherhighenoughnorlowenoughto posea hazard. However, if thewateris contaminated, thepH maybesignificantlyhigherorlower. Butit's thenature of thecontaminantnot thepHvaluethatdetermines whetherthewateris unsafeto drink. Lemonjuice, for example, is extremelyacidic, witha pHof about2, while milkof magnesiais quitealkaline, witha pHbetween10 and11-- yetbotharesafeto consume.
TheEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyclassifiesa pH valueabove8.5 or below6.5 as a "secondary contaminant" in drinkingwater. However, theeffectsof highor lowpH, theEPAstates, aremainly"aesthetic" -- thatis, relatedto tasteandodor. Waterwitha lowpH canhavea metallic, bitterorsourtaste; waterwitha highpHcanhavea baking-sodataste. In addition, pH outsidetheEPA-recommendedrangecandamage plumbing. Acidicwatercancorrodepipes; alkalinewater canformscalydeposits. LIVESTRONG.COM • FOOD AND DRINK • BEVERAGES • WATER
What pH in Water Is Too High for Human Consumptions
Theinitials"pH" standfor"potentialof hydrogen"; theH is capitalizedbecauseit's thechemicalsymbolfor hydrogen. In scientificterms, thepHscalemeasuresthe relativeconcentrationsof hydrogenionsandhydroxyl ionsin a substance. Whenhydrogenionsoutnumber hydroxylions, thesubstanceis acidic; whenhydroxyl ionshavetheedge, thesubstanceis alkaline.
ThepHscalerunsfrom0 to 14. A pHof 7 is "neutral," meaningthetwotypesof ionsarein balance, sothe substanceis neitheracidicnoralkaline. Valuesbelow7 areacidic, with0 beingthemostacidic. Valuesabove7 arealkaline, with14beingthemostalkaline. Battery acidhasa pHof about0. Liquiddraincleanerhasa pH of about14. Distilled, filteredwaterhasa pHof about7. Eachunitwithinthescalerepresentsa tenfoldincrease in acidityor alkalinity.
Waterfoundin naturewillgenerallyhavea pHbetween 6.5 and8.5, dependingon geologicalandatmospheric conditions. Accordingto theUniversityof MassachusettsandtheWaterSystemsCouncil, thepH of drinkingwaterisnota healthissue. Water's pHvalue cangetneitherhighenoughnorlowenoughto posea hazard. However, if thewateris contaminated, thepH maybesignificantlyhigherorlower. Butit's thenature of thecontaminantnot thepHvaluethatdetermines whetherthewateris unsafeto drink. Lemonjuice, for example, is extremelyacidic, witha pHof about2, while milkof magnesiais quitealkaline, witha pHbetween10 and11-- yetbotharesafeto consume.
TheEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyclassifiesa pH valueabove8.5 or below6.5 as a "secondary contaminant" in drinkingwater. However, theeffectsof highor lowpH, theEPAstates, aremainly"aesthetic" -- thatis, relatedto tasteandodor. Waterwitha lowpH canhavea metallic, bitterorsourtaste; waterwitha highpHcanhavea baking-sodataste. In addition, pH outsidetheEPA-recommendedrangecandamage plumbing. Acidicwatercancorrodepipes; alkalinewater canformscalydeposits. LIVESTRONG.COM • FOOD AND DRINK • BEVERAGES • WATER
What pH in Water Is Too High for Human Consumptions
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