what happens if the diaphargm shows no movements
Answer:If the diaphragm is not present,then there will be no high pressure or low pressure created in the lungs. The lungs will start working inappropriately and the air will not rush in or out leading to the stop of respiration and breathing and if these two processes stop then a person will no longer be able to survive.
Explanation:Human beings have a negative pressure breathing mechanism. The movement of the diaphragm expands the lungs and creates a vacuum due to which air is sucked in. If the diaphragm does not move the lungs do not expand or contract and breathing stops. The air moves back and forth, as if it is in a still room.
Answer: if the diaphragm doesn't move then there will be no formation of pressure ( either low pressure or high pressure) inside the thoraric cavity
Hence as there is no pressure formation then the lungs will not function properly and since there is no pressure there will be no rushing of air in or out of the body
As pressure helps in movement (rushing) of air inside and outside lungs
Hope it helps you
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