What I Have Learned
Activity 1: Name that Title
Direction: Base on the knowledge and understanding that you have gained from the
previous examples and activities, you have now captured the idea on how to make a
conceptual framework from the research title. With this, you are now given the framework, and
you need to formulate the research title according to the elements and factors that are present
in the variables. Give three (3) possible research titles that would reflect on the given variables.
Write your answers in the box provided below
Conceptual Paradigm:
Mediating Variable
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Moderating Variable
Coping Skills
Mediating Variable
Frameworks books from the research title in the framework and you need to form the elements in a person in the variable.
Step 1: Prior to starting your data collection, you need create your conceptual framework. Visual representations of conceptual frameworks that show cause-and-effect links are common. As you choose the subject for your pertinent essay, thesis, or dissertation, you may begin to conceptualise this.
Step 2: One or more formal theories, in whole or in part, as well as additional ideas and actual data from the literature are all included in a conceptual framework. It is employed to demonstrate the connections between these concepts and how they relate to the research topic.
Step 3: The researcher's synthesis of the literature on how to explain a phenomena is represented by a conceptual framework. Given his prior knowledge of other researchers' points of view and his observations on the research topic, it outlines the activities necessary in the course of the investigation.
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