English, asked by monomitachatterjee, 18 days ago

What, in your opinion, is special about the face of this model, Marsolini in the story of Michelangelo?


Answered by palakkandare


Michelangelo was a famous Italian sculptor and painter.

2. When asked as to what he sees in the Pope’s face, Michelangelo retorts ‘a burning candle’. Slowly the Pope understands the comparison and asks the painter, whether he meant that there was nothing special about his face and that it was just like one of the ordinary worshipers, just like the many candles burning at the altar which look alike. Michelangelo does not give the Pope an explanation.

3. Angelo had been asked to paint the ceilings and walls of the Sistine Chapel in St. Peter’s Basilica with frescoes depicting important events from the Bible.

4. Michelangelo worked only when he was inspired. For hours on end, he would lie under the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, completely absorbed in his work.

5. When the peanut-seller sold peanuts, a few fell out. The urchin would pick them up and give them to the seller, while treating himself to a few.

6. For Judas, Michelangelo used the face of the man whom he met at a small eatery in Rome. His name was Marsolini, as he learned later. The man had a balding head, restless energy and was obviously not too well off as he could not afford to feed himself. He usually conversed with the customers and then ended up eating his meal with them.

7. a. This is the opinion of the Pope.

b. The Sistine Chapel was all but complete except for The Last Supper. Four years had passed by, with Angelo trying to fi nd the perfect model for Judas, but the Pope did not want to anger Angelo because it might cause the eccentric artist to leave without completing the work and that would be a disaster.

c. The work being referred to is ‘The Last Supper’.

8. a. Michelangelo was sitting outside an eatery in Bologna, waiting for his father to fi nish his meal.

b. The sight of a street urchin, who was helping a peanut-seller by collecting the dropped peanuts fascinated Michelangelo. The urchin managed to keep a few for himself.

c. Michelangelo made several sketches of the urchin’s face and later used them to

sculpt Baby Jesus in his ‘Madonna of Bruges’.

9. Answers will vary. Sample: Yes, Michelangelo was a genius. Nothing but perfection would do for him. He had exceptional ability and could carry out huge projects by himself. The work he has done both as a painter and a sculptor are magnifi cent and a clear testimony of his genius.

10. Answers will vary. Sample: The story focuses on Michelangelo’s search for the perfect faces to be used as models for his baby Jesus, Virgin Mary and Judas while painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. While he used his mother’s face as a model for the Vigrin Mary, it was ironical that he should have used the face of Marceloni both as the Baby Jesus and Judas. The small urchin in Bologna was the young Marceloni. Perhaps the story suggests that there is good and bad in all.

Answered by neelrangani857


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