What is #404 error? Why it is written #404 only instead of any other number?
At some point in your web browsing life, you’ve undoubtedly come across a 404 error message. You typed in a URL or clicked a link to take you to a new page but suddenly — gasp — “Page Not Found.”
It’s not uncommon to see these types of errors while you’re surfing the web, but when you find one on your own website, suddenly you’ve got a problem. In this blog post, we’ll go over what a 404 error message means, what it means for your marketing efforts, why websites get them, and what you can do to fix any you may encounter on your industrial website.
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#404 error means that the page you are trying to open could not be found on the server(Page not found).
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) standard response code.
Since the server didn't actually return with a 404 response code, such fake errors are typically referred to as soft 404 errors .