What is 45%, 35%, and 20% of 100...
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For example: 20% of 25 = 5 Calculator 2: Calculate a percentage based on 2 numbers. For example: 5/25 = 20% What is 20% of these numbers? 20% of 1= 0.20 20% of 131= 26.20 20% of 261 = 52.20 20% of 391 = 78.20 20% of 2= 0.40 20% of 132= 26.40 20% of 262 = 52.40 20% of 392 = 78.40 20% of 3= 0.60 20% of 133= 26.60 20% of 263 = 52.60 20% of 393 = 78.60
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Step-by-step explanation:
45% of 100
= 45/100 × 100
35%of 100
20% of 100
= 20
=100% of 100
= 100/100×100
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