What is a Noun????????
A noun is the be of a person, place, animal or thing.
1️⃣Mr. Sharma
2️⃣Taj mahal
☆ Noun ☆
- Noun is the name of person, place, animal or thing.
- Noun are naming words.
Example :-
Simran, Maharashtra, Cat, hat, etc.
Nouns are of five kinds :-
1. Proper Noun :- A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing; for example :
kirti, Rohan, Agra, etc.
2. Common Noun :- A Common Noun is a name given in common to every person, place or thing; for example :
Girl, boy, village, etc.
3. Collective Noun :- A Collection Noun is the name of a collection of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole; for example :
• The bunch of keys.
• The team of players.
• The flock of sheep.
4. Material Noun :- A Material Noun is the thing extracted from the Earth or used to make other things; for example :
Milk, wood, stone, etc.
5. Abstract Noun :- A Abstract Noun is the name of some state, quality, feeling or an idea that we can only think of, but cannot touch or see ; for example :
Depth, speed, poverty, literature, etc.