English, asked by silvia8, 1 year ago

what is a pronoun give example


Answered by cool27
Words that stand In place of noun is called pronoun..
Ex He is good in sport
He has a car..

silvia8: oooo
silvia8: oooo
silvia8: sory
silvia8: i send to much ooo
cool27: ok
cool27: no problems
silvia8: u r boy right
cool27: Yes
silvia8: i am frm manipur
silvia8: what r u doing now
Answered by LakshytaMahajan
Words used at the place of noun in a sentence is called pronoun .
For example-Radha is a girl.She is my friend.
Here in sen.2 she is used at the place of Radha.
some other examples of pronoun are -He,She,It,They etc.

juju101: word that stand for a noun .so say having a sentence like this .........kiara is my friend .kiara has brown hair .kiara lives in durban .....you would say kiara is my friend ,she has brown hair and she lives in durban therefore she is the pronoun
LakshytaMahajan: yes u r right
juju101: thanks
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