Physics, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

❤️❤️❤️❤️ What is achromatism? Give a condition???

Aspomorisish: Is this photo really you


Answered by S4MAEL
հίί ʍαtε_______✯◡✯
һєяє' ʏȏȗя ѧṅśwєя ʟȏȏҡıṅɢ ғȏя________
●achromatism is the phenomenon by virtue of which an object seen in white light through a lens would appear white i.e.there is no colour splitting


To achieve achromatism ,all colours should be focused at a single point .To produce an achromat lens , a convex lens with positive chromatic aberration should be combined with a suitable concave lens of negative chromatic aberration so that total chromatic aberration is zero.


hope \: it \: helps


Bhavanavindamuri: awwwsm answer broh..... :)
S4MAEL: thnx sisy
Bhavanavindamuri: no thankS plzzz ^_^
S4MAEL: ^_^
Bhavanavindamuri: ^_*
Anonymous: Well answered... !!
S4MAEL: thnx ji
AlanTurning: AaishaG , u r really the biggest liar i have ever witnessed
Answered by KrishnaBirla
Condition for achromatism is that " The ratio of the dipersive power must be equal to the ratio of the focal length of the two lenses." i.e,

w1/w2 = f1/f2 where, w1 and w2 are the dispersive power of the two lenses and f1 and f2 are the focal lengths.
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