Hindi, asked by dondimadhu, 1 year ago

what is actually hindi subject is?


Answered by rajusetu
Hindi is the national language of India; but, it is one of several languages spoken in India derived from sanskrit

kvnmurty: it is not defined in the constitution that Hindi is the national language.
Answered by kvnmurty
Hindi is a language subject that is studied by many students in India and abroad.  Hindi subject is the first language or 2nd language depending on the state.

Hindi is a language that is derived from Sanskrit.  It is written in a script called Devnagri.

kvnmurty: click on thank you link
rajusetu: i did not understand
kvnmurty: hindi is not declared as the national language in the constitution. It is a wrong belief that it is the national language. it is spoken by largest number of people in India. there are many official languages in India - all those that appear on the currency notes. Hindi is not the only official language.
rajusetu: ok sir
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