What is agriculture
hey mate
here is your answer
Agriculture is called as Farming
Agriculture is the industry engaged in the production of plants and animals for food other Feed and fiber
production of agriculture supplies the processing of marketing and distribution of agriculture products
Agriculture not only produced food and raw material but also employment opportunities of very large proportion of population
All over the world depend on agriculture
More information about agriculture
The world agriculture comes from Latin word
Agri = soil
culture = production
Agriculture can be defined as the cultivation of crops and plants
Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy
Agriculture is the most important human economy activity
agriculture is a very broad term of encompassing all aspects of crop production
agriculture is the activity of man for production of food by the option use of terristal resources that is land and water
agriculture includes crop production animal husbandry and dairly science agriculture of chemistry of soil science
agriculture is most important for human life
jai Jawan
jai kisan
Agriculture: The branch of science that deals with growing plants and raising livestock for human use called agriculture