English, asked by muakanshakya, 1 year ago

What is Article 370 and how it is in the favour of our country ?​


Answered by percy2004

Article 370


Article 370 acknowledges the special status of the state jammu and kashmir in terms of autonomy and its ability to formulate laws for the states permanent residents.In the 1954 Presidential order,among other things ,the Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution were made applicable to Kashmir with exceptions.


Answered by pratyaksha1812


The article was drafted in Part XXI of the Constitution: Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions. The Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir, after its establishment, was empowered to recommend the articles of the Indian constitution that should be applied to the state or to abrogate the Article 370 altogether. After consultation with the state's Constituent Assembly, the 1954 Presidential Order was issued, specifying the articles of the Indian constitution that applied to the state. Since the Constituent Assembly dissolved itself without recommending the abrogation of Article 370, the article was deemed to have become a permanent feature of the Indian Constitution.

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