Biology, asked by donboy, 1 year ago

What is best way to get a hold of tissue


Answered by Harshitshrivastav9


by preserve it is a good idea to get a hold

Answered by rjbharathi


Tissue processing is concerned with the diffusion of various substances into and out of porous tissues. Diffusion results from the tendency of processing reagents to equalize concentrations both inside and outside blocks of tissue. The reagent molecules diffuse down a concentration gradient and move from where they are at a high concentration to where they are at a lower concentration. This movement requires no energy since it always progresses down the concentration gradient.


The rate of diffusion is measured by Fick’s law which states that:


(where α signifies 'proportional to')

There are significant variables which need to be considered when processing tissue and these include the operating conditions (such as temperature), the concentration of the reagents and the properties of the tissue. In the histology laboratory, conventional tissue processing describes the stages required to take fixed tissue samples through dehydration and clearing to the state where it is completely infiltrated and embedded with a suitable medium (normally paraffin wax) in readiness for cutting sections on a microtome (microtomy). For routine purposes, tissues are most conveniently processed through dehydration, clearing and infiltration stages automatically. There are two broad types of automatic tissue processors available - tissue transfer and fluid transfer types.


Tissue transfer processor


Fluid transfer processor

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