what is bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is a gentle back bend practiced from a face-down position that warms and strengthens the spine while opening the chest. The term comes from the Sanskrit bhujanga, meaning “serpent” or “snake,” and asana, meaning “posture” or “seat.”
To enter the pose, lie down on the stomach with legs stretched out behind and the tops of the feet on the ground, with toes pointed. Feet and legs can be slightly spread apart, about the same distance if one was standing naturally. Place the hands directly under the shoulders with palms pressing against the ground and fingers pointing forward; arms and elbows are held tight against the sides. Press the tops of the feet, legs and pubic bone into the ground to support the lower body and lift the head, shoulders and chest off the floor, keeping the navel towards the spine, the pubic bone on the floor, and the bottom of the ribs and abdomen on the floor. Slowly and gently arch the back, lifting the chest upward, keeping the shoulders down the back away from the ears and neck. To come out of the pose, slowly lower your shoulders, chest, and abdomen down towards the floor.
Bhujangasana is also referred to as cobra pose