what is biogas?❔ what is a biogas plant?❔ how is biogas produced in a biogas plant?❔ what are the steps involved in it's production?❓ what are the main components of biogas?❓ why is the usage of biogas being encouraged in the rural and urban areas?❓
Biogas is a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure, food waste etc............. It is a renewable energy resource .
A biogas plant or an air-tight tanks refers to the anaerobic digester that treats farm wastes or energy crops. It can be produced using anaerobic digesters .
Biogas is produced using well-established technology in a process involving several stages:
1. Biowaste is crushed into smaller pieces and slurrified to prepare it for the anaerobic digestion process.
2. Slurrifying means adding liquid to the biowaste to make it easier to process.
3.Microbes need warm conditions, so the biowaste is heated to around 37 °C.
4. The actual biogas production takes place through anaerobic digestion in large tanks for about three weeks.
In the final stage, the gas is purified by removing impurities and carbon dioxide.
The major constituent of biogas is methane (55-70%), CO2 (30-45%) and some traces of gases such as H2S and ammonia.
The usage of biogas is encouraged in the rural and urban areas as :
a) It is pollution free as it does not produce any smoke.
b) It is abundant
c) It is easily transportable
d) Good energy efficiency
e) Cheap and easily available
Hope it helps!!!!!!!!
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