what is biogas ?write in brief about the production process.
Biogas is the mixture of gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste. Biogas is a renewable energy source.
Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestionwith methanogen or anaerobic organisms, which digest material inside a closed system, or fermentation of biodegradable materials.[1]This closed system is called an anaerobic digester, biodigester or a bioreactor.[2]
Biogas is primarily methane (CH
4) and carbon dioxide (CO
2) and may have small amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H
2S), moisture and siloxanes. The gases methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide (CO) can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen. This energy release allows biogas to be used as a fuel; it can be used for any heating purpose, such as cooking. It can also be used in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat.[3]
Biogas can be compressed, the same way as natural gas is compressed to CNG, and used to power motor vehicles. In the United Kingdom, for example, biogas is estimated to have the potential to replace around 17% of vehicle fuel.[4] It qualifies for renewable energy subsidies in some parts of the world. Biogas can be cleaned and upgraded to natural gas standards, when it becomes bio-methane. Biogas is considered to be a renewable resource because its production-and-use cycle is continuous, and it generates no net carbon dioxide. As the organic material grows, it is converted and used. It then regrows in a continually repeating cycle. From a carbon perspective, as much carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere in the growth of the primary bio-resource as is released, when the material is ultimately converted to energy.
Main article: Anaerobic digestion
The biogas is a renewable energy that can be used for heating, electricity, and many other operations that use a reciprocating internal combustion engine, such as GE Jenbacher or Caterpillar gas engines.[5] To provide these internal combustion engines with biogas having ample gas pressure to optimize combustion, within the European Union ATEXcentrifugal fan units built in accordance with the European directive 2014/34/EU(previously 94/9/EG) are obligatory. These centrifugal fan units, for example Combimac, Meidinger AG or Witt & Sohn AG are suitable for use in Zone 1 and 2 .
Other internal combustion engines such as gas turbines are suitable for the conversion of biogas into both electricity and heat. The digestate is the remaining inorganic matter that was not transformed into biogas. It can be used as an agricultural fertiliser.

Biogas production in rural Germany
Biogas is produced either;
As landfill gas (LFG), which is produced by the breakdown of biodegradable wasteinside a landfill due to chemical reactions and microbes, or
As digested gas, produced inside an anaerobic digester.
Projects such as NANOCLEAN are nowadays developing new ways to produce biogas more efficiently, using iron oxide nanoparticles in the processes of organic waste treatment. This process can triple the production of biogas.[6
Biogas is a mixture of gases (predominantly methane) produced by the microbial activity which may be used as fuel.
Certain bacteria which grow anaerobically on cellulosic material produces a large amount of methane along with carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
These bacteria are collectively called methanogens, and one such common bacterium is Methanobacterium.
These bacteria are commonly found in the anaerobic sludge during sewage treatment.
The biogas plant consists of a concrete tank (10-15 feet deep) in which bio-wastes are collected and a slurry of dung is fed.
A floating cover is placed over the slurry, which keeps on rising as the gas is produced in the tank due to the microbial activity.
The biogas plant has an outlet, which is connected to a pipe to supply biogas to nearby houses.